Thursday, February 17, 2011

Beautiful Day Today

It is funny how much the weather has to do with how hungry I feel.  Today the weather was beautiful! Sunny and warm weather makes me think about the sunny and warm weather rather than thinking FOOD FOOD FOOD.  Food I want or food I can't have. 
I came home from work early and the first time I thought about eating was when I sat down to write this post.  Although this is making me think about food, for one of the only times in recent memory, although I'm thinking about food I'm not hungry.  I cannot wait until Spring comes and we get to start gardening and working outside again.  Fresh garden vegetables aren't very far away!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wow that was quick

Wow that lasted two days.  So I blogged for two days and then.  Life.  My husband came back from his road trip and somehow it just stopped.  I was so into it, and it just stopped.  The story of my weight loss life is start stop start stop.  Every time I get ahead I eventually fall back and usually end up worse than where I started before.  So here I am.  February 15, 2011.  The same weight, the same feeling, and the same too tight clothes. 

Scared to death by a faulty scale a week and a half ago I made a change, again.  I started weight watchers for the second time in my life.  Out of desperation or out of necessity, whatever it was, it is time to move on to a new me.  Husband on board for some life changing at least I'm not in on this alone.

So I'm here again.  I still feel fat today, but I'm taking a new approach and hoping for the best. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Breaking out of Chocolate Prison

I did the impossible yesterday by avoiding chocolate and all candy for an entire day.  This has become my prison, the mid day candy dip.  I'll only have a few M&M's turns into a handful of M&M's and a couple pieces of dark chocolate to wash it down. 
To me working in an office brings about good and bad decisions all day with food.  I only ate an english muffin this morning! Or, wow another birthday cake down the hatch... I work in a stressful business and I have to admit I turn to food to get my mind off of the next issue that I immediately have to resolve or to wind down from the last emergency.  And then I resolve to feeling fat at the end of the day and hoping I'll do better tomorrow. Yesterday was a good day though, I avoided all candy, did a small workout at home, and avoided the couch a little more than the day before.  So here it is folks, I had a good one yesterday and I'm striving to make that two in a row, cheers!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fat today and everyday

I sat on my couch all night last night and did nothing.  Nothing at all.  Nothing but eat leftover Chinese food, caramel corn, and thinking about how I didn't go to the gym again and that I felt overwhelmingly FAT.  This morning I woke up and believe it or not, my problem hasn't changed.  Yes, I Sarah Miller, feel fat today.  Thinking about how starting a blog could change my life after watching Julie and Julia last weekend, I decided after several horrible ideas the only thing that I let affect my life negatively EVERY day is my weight.  So here I am, this is my blog.  I'm doing this to fight against my fat, and to find a new purpose in what has lately felt like a void.  I've never been able to change my body in a positive way without having a team to depend on me.  So whoever you are out there, you are my team as I start this journey to change my life for the better.  Cheers to being fat today, but hoping for a better tomorrow.