Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wow that was quick

Wow that lasted two days.  So I blogged for two days and then.  Life.  My husband came back from his road trip and somehow it just stopped.  I was so into it, and it just stopped.  The story of my weight loss life is start stop start stop.  Every time I get ahead I eventually fall back and usually end up worse than where I started before.  So here I am.  February 15, 2011.  The same weight, the same feeling, and the same too tight clothes. 

Scared to death by a faulty scale a week and a half ago I made a change, again.  I started weight watchers for the second time in my life.  Out of desperation or out of necessity, whatever it was, it is time to move on to a new me.  Husband on board for some life changing at least I'm not in on this alone.

So I'm here again.  I still feel fat today, but I'm taking a new approach and hoping for the best. 

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