Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fat today and everyday

I sat on my couch all night last night and did nothing.  Nothing at all.  Nothing but eat leftover Chinese food, caramel corn, and thinking about how I didn't go to the gym again and that I felt overwhelmingly FAT.  This morning I woke up and believe it or not, my problem hasn't changed.  Yes, I Sarah Miller, feel fat today.  Thinking about how starting a blog could change my life after watching Julie and Julia last weekend, I decided after several horrible ideas the only thing that I let affect my life negatively EVERY day is my weight.  So here I am, this is my blog.  I'm doing this to fight against my fat, and to find a new purpose in what has lately felt like a void.  I've never been able to change my body in a positive way without having a team to depend on me.  So whoever you are out there, you are my team as I start this journey to change my life for the better.  Cheers to being fat today, but hoping for a better tomorrow.

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